Friday, February 19, 2010

How To Build A Swingset Has Anyone Built A PlayGround/ SwingSet From A DIY Kit?

Has anyone built a PlayGround/ SwingSet from a DIY kit? - how to build a swingset

If so, how much savings are compared for the purchase of a normal?

How easy was it done?

My husband has a knack for carpentry, home for some years.
I also have this in the DIY sector, but I think the mommys could me some good answers. Thank you!


(angry) Gay Guy said...

We have set ourselves with a kit, simple wood / hardware purchase, then swings to be purchased separately. We do a lot of money saved this way, I think even 50% of it! It is very durable. It was 15 years ago as a birthday present for my sister of the 4th and 2 Birthday present for me, and on and on, in order to build viable. But we have to take down or move like the big tree that is located below the requirements for cutting (it is 45 meters high maple was planted 65 years when the house was built in 1943), as 3 large branches in a tornado crash two weeks ago.

Kammy B said...

My husband built a .... for my children DYI depends on what game you buy. Go to this site and you can plan for free, all you have to do to find, buy the wood and materials. It is cheaper than a cause of kit .... Well, it's free! For about $ 100 you can have a price that low, Wal-Mart, but at the same price you get a bigger, better and safer for you to build the series.

shygirl9... said...

It is cheaper, but harder to build! I want to buy a ready-made.

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